Monday, March 15, 2010

My triadic research question (I'd rate it as B major...)

I, like Timbre, am grateful for our discussion on Thursday. What I wanted to say then but didn't is that I'm not really worried about looking stupid in front of you all as we hash out our research questions, I'm worried that I'm just actually stupid, and that some day someone will realize this. At any rate, I have a sneaking suspicion that none of us are actually stupid, and that this can become a great forum to get some feedback, so that's cool.

So, without further ado, the research topic:

The purpose of my study is to describe how a media literacy education classroom functions when it includes a focus on theory instruction, pedagogy instruction and practice, and creat
ive production. I am particularly interested in seeing if this can function as a viable framework for implementing situated practice, overt instruction, critical framing, and transformation of knowledge as mentioned in Multiliteracies (Cope and Kalantzis).

I tacked on that last bit, which is maybe fraught with all sorts of loaded language, but I want to include that somehow in the research question because I plan on using those four pedagogies as evaluative tools for my study. How can this triadic (a term I've decided to adopt in place of "triangulated", because it doesn't seem to have any specific research related definitions, but it
does have a musical definition relating to chords and such, which seems appropriate (parts adding up to a whole...)) focus function as each of these important pedagogies?

Data to collect:
  • My own field notes (written out directly after teaching each time) describing my own impressions of what's happening in the classroom.
  • Student interviews (due to time restrictions, these will most likely be written reflections, but I'm not opposed to making time for some group interviews).
  • Student work (documentaries, blog posts, presentations, lesson plans, etc.)
  • Video recordings of class time.
  • My own lesson plans
And, because Timbre did, here's a comic I like:

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I'm happy to see that your thesis statement is multiple sentences. I didn't want mine to be the only one.

You should replace "this" in the second sentence with "this triadic [or something similar]" so I know what you're referring to.

I like the Multiliteracies reference. It makes me what to read on.

Is this an area of interest or is there a problem? I would be interested to hear if this is intended to solve a problem.