I need to do more research to make sure that these are really the correct terms I want to use, but I'm interesting in seeing how a classroom functions when infused with elements of critical pedagogy, specifically through allowing many opportunities for peer teaching (students teaching me and each other).
I think that my data is fairly similar as my previous question, with more focus on the student experience through interviews and weekly blog entries. Also, I'm considering introducing a wiki as well so that students can collaborate throughout the semester on their own definition of "Media Literacy Education".
Where I'm at a loss now is how I evaluate the data--I like the idea of a priori schemes of organizing data, and since this new approach focuses less on my own lesson plan creation and more on the student experience, I'm not as worried about manipulating my research to fit my predetermined tools of analysis. I just don't know what those tools of analysis are at this point; perhaps they will emerge during the intensive crash course on critical pedagogy that I plan on designing for myself after our theory midterm is over.